British Curriculum
The school curriculum closely follows the Early Years Foundation stage EYFS in KG classes, the National Curriculum for England for Grade 1 – 6 in English, Math, Science, History, Geography, Art, Music, PE, and the Ministry of Education for Arabic, Islamic, Social Studies and Moral.
The Early Years Foundation Stages:
Children in the KG1 and KG2 follow a curriculum document that states early learning educational goals. The document is split into seven areas.
- Personal, Social, and Emotional
- Communication and Language
- Literacy
- Mathematical development
- Knowledge and understanding of the world
- Physical development
- Creative development
For each area, there are a number of goals that the teacher aims for the child to achieve. The children develop through stepping-stones that allow them to progress to a final goal. Children are taught in whole class and group situations. Learning through play is a very important aspect of Early Years education. We have very low adult-child ratios for each class which enables us to work in a very detailed manner and ensure excellent supervision of the children.
By the time the children approach the end of KG2 the aim is to have them fully prepared for the first stage of their primary school experience referred to as Key Stage 1/KS1.
Evaluating individual needs in the Early Years
Children are assessed continually as they work. Teachers are expected to make notes on their progress and development in all their work. On arrival at the school and at particular times of the year they are given baseline assessments. Our teachers are expected to discuss these with relevant parents at parent meetings.
The National Curriculum
The National Curriculum provides educational guidelines about what students should know, understand and be able to do by the end of formal stages of the educational experiences.