Parent Participation
Parents form an integral part of our school community. At Bright Future, we value the participation and contribution of our parent community. For that reason, we have established a parent council which is a group of selected parents to represent the views of all parents. Council members have an important role to play in school improvement by ensuring that the parental perspective is represented and taken into account. For more information on the parent council please refer to the policies section.

Frequently Asked Questions
The Early Years Foundation Stage (Development Matters) is a set of standards for the learning, development and care of children up to five years of age. Your child will mostly be taught through games and play. The areas of learning are communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design. The areas in bold are the core areas for students to interact in positive relationships and enabling environments to develop their own personality, talents and abilities irrespective of home language, nationality, culture and gender.
The national curriculum is grouped into blocks of years called Key Stages. Key Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 take the child through ages 5 to 16 and include all the years of compulsory education in the UK, while Key Stage 5 covers a two year ‘A’ level program ready for university. The National Curriculum provides students with an introduction to the core knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. It aims is to ensure that all children are taught the essential knowledge in the key subject disciplines. Compulsory national curriculum subjects are English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Modern Foreign Languages, Art and design, Music, Physical Education and Computing. Key stage tests Grade 2 and grade 6 will help schools to track their progress against all other students/schools involved in the National Curriculum for England.
All National Curriculum teachers are Native English Teachers who have qualified teacher status with at least two years of experience. Ministry subject teachers are Ministry approved with at least two years of experience.
At this moment in time schools are prohibited from conducting ECAs due to the Pandemic. Once we get the notification that we can start, we ask students for their ideas and what they would like to do after school. We also have to look at the skill set of our teachers and match students’ needs to teacher experience.
School starts for all students at 7.45am for registration with all lessons starting at 8am. KG1 students will have the option to leave at 1pm for students with own transport but the day does not stop there for students who will take the bus. Every day one session after 1pm will be dedicated to developing language and coordination before students leave on school buses.
All curriculum instructions are through English and Arabic. We like our students to have a good vocabulary and the ability to listen, speak, read and write in their mother tongue and English before we introduce any new languages. French will be offered as part of the curriculum from Grade 4 with other additional languages takes in consideration.
The policy in International Schools is to keep books in school for classwork, marking and assessment. Students who take books home can easily forget them and have no resource for learning the next day. Books will be returned home before Knowledge Checks and Exams. Parent will be sent a term plan of all the objectives to be taught daily, weekly and termly so if parents wish to support their child at home they have the information to do so.
At this moment in time schools are prohibited from conducting ECAs due to the Pandemic. Once we get the notification that we can start, we ask students for their ideas and what they would like to do after school. We also have to look at the skill set of our teachers and match students’ needs to teacher experience.